We Go Beyond English
PHILINTER’s differentiation comes from how happy and satisfied our students are.

Philinter’s electricity bill has different payment structures for dormitory and Azon Condo users.


  • The basic electricity bill is 600 pesos per week.
  • Up to 16KW of usage is allowed per week. For every additional watt of usage beyond 16KW, students need to pay 25 pesos.
  • If two people share a double room, they are allowed to use up to 30KW of electricity per week. For every additional watt of usage beyond 30KW, each student needs to pay 25 pesos.
  • If three people share a triple room, they are allowed to use up to 45KW of electricity per week. For every additional watt of usage beyond 45KW, each student needs to pay 25 pesos.


  • The electricity bill is fixed at 2,000 pesos per week.
  • The electricity bill is fixed at 5,000 pesos for four weeks.

For more detailed information, you may download this image:



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