Level: 201+ Up

WeekScope & SequenceFocused Skills
1Introduction to American Accent:
* Importance of accent and intonation
* Key features of the American accent
* Identifying the distinct sounds and phonetic features of the American accent.
* Understanding how accent and intonation impact communication effectiveness.
2Phonetic Foundations:
* Phonetics and the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).  
* Identifying and practicing the basic sounds of American English, including vowels and consonants.
* Learning common pronunciation rules such as: Final s, -ed Endings, American T etc.
3Stress in Speech:
* Concept of stress in syllables, words and phrases.  
* Distinguishing between primary and secondary stress for accurate pronunciation.
* Mastering stress patterns to improve pronunciation clarity and intelligibility.
* Implementing techniques to apply stress effectively in spoken communication.
4Speech Rhythm & Flow: 
* Pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables that creates the flow and rhythm of speech.
* Understanding how rhythmic patterns contribute to the natural flow of spoken language.
*Incorporating rhythmic exercises into language learning activities to strengthen speaking skills.

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