Level: 301+

Week Scope and SequenceFocused Skills
1Theme: Life Changes Interdisciplinary  

Lesson A: The Power to Change
Biographical article  

Lesson B: Try Something New for 30 Days
(Matt Cutts)
Learn what TED is and how the organization is spreading ideas around the world. Read and comprehend an article about a woman who changed her life using TED Talks.

Watch and understand a talk about enriching your life by trying something new for 30 days. Students work individually to plan a 30-day challenge and give 2-3 mins. presentation
2Theme: Team Power

Lesson A: The Marshmallow Challenge
Research article  

Lesson B: Build a Tower, Build a Team
(Tom Wujec)
Read and comprehend an article about a simple game that teaches important lessons. Identify main and supporting ideas in paragraphs.

Designing a team-building task. Students should design a team building challenge and give 2-3 mins. presentation.
3Theme: Ocean Wonders
Life Science  

Lesson A: Message from the Sea
Scientific article  

Lesson B: Underwater Astonishments
(David Gallo)
Read and comprehend an article about sea animals that change colors and patterns and identify the main ideas, purpose, and referents in a passage.

Project: Researching and presenting examples of adaptation. Students should collect information about an unusual animal and give 2-3 mins. presentation
4Theme: What We Wear Sociology / Fashion  

Lesson A: The Science of Style
Research report  

Lesson B: We Nothing New (Jessi Arrington)
Read and comprehend an article about the science behind how fashion affects our attitudes and behaviors. Connect statements in a text to the people who made them.

Project: Researching for a poster session on clothing. Students should research a uniform or other “symbolic” clothing and give 2-3 mins. presentation.

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